Why Bamboo Flutes?

I have been contemplating a good discussion about bamboo flutes being one who makes and plays bamboo flutes of various kinds. I thought it would be interesting to take you back to the beginning of my company Kolbe Flutes and discuss that aspect of my spiritual journey, a life changing journey that changed my course drastically.
So let me take you back to August 14th 2004, the feast day of one of my heroes St.Maximilian Kolbe. At this phase of my life I worked in the field of nursing, long hours and lots of stress and pressure. I severely injured a muscle in my hip assisting a nurses aid with a patient who was about to fall, as we lowered this gentleman to the ground dead weight I could feel the muscle in my hip tearing followed by an instant rush of heat, dizziness, nausea, I knew I was injured and I knew it was serious. Over the next week the pain became so intense I had to lean to the left when walking, I was forced o leave work and collect L&I for my injury, this began some intense months of physical therapy which was to put it bluntly, excruciating.
The years prior to this starting in 2001 were years marked with trial and disappointment at every turn, so much darkness, financial stress, and the near loss of my wife made this injury the on the cake, I sunk like a led balloon into deep dark depression, my motivation was sapped and as far as I was concerned I was done, I lost hope that I would or could become anything useful…
(To be continued)