What Energizes You?

Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself.
Author Unknown
There are things in this life that build and reinforce positive energy and there are things that decrease our positive energy levels. I never really gave this much thought until later in life, I simply saw the good days and bad days. What contributed to the good and the bad within a day was not so much a concern. I realize now that life is like playing chess. Each moment we must strategize and seek the best option for whatever we are doing, we must search for what builds us up and keeps us motivated, we must be aware of the negative forces that want to bring us down.
Good & Bad Choices
Life is about choices, good and bad and ultimately our bad days can be linked to bad choices, for me this starts when I get out of bed. If I choose to ignore a bad disposition for instance, I'm doomed from the get-go, yet if I introspect for a few minutes, my subconscious will reveal to me what I need, the types of foods that will deposit the most health and nutrients to my body for my mental and spiritual acuity, or how much silent meditation and prayer I may need to balance myself out so that I'm not a hindrance to others around me. Listening to our conscience minds and making the best choice for any given moment releases positive energy and our soul approves with a resounding yes!
Think about your life and begin to make a list of all the things that empower you and all of the things that hinder a positive mental out look, here's a few ideas:
Clothes - Certain types of clothing give me strength and make me feel good, other types of clothes feel very unnatural and awkward, turtlenecks for instance make me feel like a turtle! Avoid clothing no matter how popular that feels awkward, this will only bring you down, in other words, be yourself!
Foods - what we eat is so critical to building positive sustained energy for the day. In the morning I juice carrots and raw ginger, my power drink, and I eat two eggs, a piece of toast and either an apple or an orange and that's it. This combo gives me superb energy and I do not feel sluggish or weighed down.
Prayer & Meditation - Find a time to be silent and meditate in the morning, try not to think about anything, silence is beautiful and in it we learn so much about who we really are. I find that entering into a sustained period of deep silence brings out all of my better qualities like compassion and caring, giving, patience, integrity. These attributes come from our Creator, the divine spark that lives in all us, our conscious mind, but because we live in a frantic busy world many people igonre these higher qualities replacing them with competition, envy, anger, frustration and hate.
Take some time this week to reflect on the things that build up your positive energy and rid yourself of anything that hinders these powerful conduits from surging forth in your life.