The True Source Of Love?

Today I’d like to address the issue of love and relationships in our modern 21st century world. The times we live in now are unprecedented, technology has allowed us as individuals to be closer than ever no matter where we are in the world, I can be in the Sahara desert and retain constant communication with my friends and loved ones, the interconnectedness of our age is unbelievable.
With mediums like youtube, facebook, myspace and the entire bloggosphere, we make ourselves available and easily found by anyone, we reveal our deepest secrets, our fears, our passions, likes and dislikes, our ideas and products. But what lies hidden behind all this technology that perhaps is not as easily discerned? Why the drive for all this interconnectedness? I believe the answers are simple: we are looking for love, acceptance, relationship.
Now with all this technology at our fingertips one would assume we’d feel closer than ever to our brothers and sisters here at home and around the world, yet so many are lonely, depressed, fearful. So many people feel disconnected, isolated and on the outside. This was evidenced to me greatly when I worked in the medical field, so much loneliness, fear, sickness, depression, still the question lingers -why?
The Source
Each of us is created with a soul, a beautiful unique essence of who we are, our creative force, we have a conscience, we have dreams and visions hopes and desires. Our life force comes from God who is the beginning and the end and all creativity and love stem from our Creator who created us to love Him and to love others. To disconnect from the source of all life is to disconnect from life itself, the very living waters that flow down through all humanity.
We must discover who we are, we are not merely biological agents, we are body, soul and spirit, we are physical and spiritual beings and to become truly whole is to reconnect with the life source who is pure love. When we connect ourselves to divine love then we gain a passionate world view, one that is hopeful, one that is ignited by the fires of unconditional love which comes from the divine love. When one loses this relationship the world becomes and icy menacing place full of dreariness and fearfulness, life becomes about simply surviving and overcoming, fight or flight, it becomes about competing, getting one up on our neighbor, stepping on others for self advancement, this is not who are created to be.
Take some time today to meditate and reflect on God, reconnect with your Creator and ask the angels to assist you, to comfort you and bring you new hope and a new vision. Reach out to those who need love and an ocean of love will soon wash over you and the universe will thank you!