The Beauty Of The Mystical

Birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand,
-Chris Martin-
It was a beautiful spring morning, I had laid out my tools and bamboo for the day and went to work on some custom order bamboo flutes for my friends in France. Over to the left of me a Camilla was in full bloom. Simply admiring the beauty emanating from it gave me great inspiration. There was joy in the air, joy from the sun, from the blue sky and not to mention the buttercups and dandelions popping up on the lawn like messengers shouting to me that, the old has passed, a new era had begun!
A swallow began to sing a song of spring in a near by tree. I felt that this beautiful creature was singing a song just for me. I was reminded of the gentleness of St. Francis, his humility and kindness toward all creatures. I thanked him for this beautiful little bird and I asked him to be present with me and my swallow friend as I worked on my humble instruments.
I felt Francis draw near and thanked him for the joy of opening my eyes to the wonders of life, especially the simple things we often take for granted. Francis who I love and admire dearly has been my constant companion through long dark nights, wet rainy seasons and in the sweltering heat of the day. Francis and Jesus taught me first about deep humility and love for the little creatures of the earth, especially the downtrodden, Francis first showed me the little way and opened my eyes to the mystical.
Suddenly I felt something touch my arm, startled, I looked down to find my swallow friend perched on my sleeve! It only lasted for a second or two, but I knew at that moment I was not alone. This mystical experience opened my mind and heart to the beauty and greatness of nature and the mystical connection a human soul shares with all the living creatures of the earth.
A True Story From Spring Of 2005