Finding Who You Are In The Present now

Presently you are reading these words, something grabbed your attention, caught your eye and at this very moment you are engaged in the words of this blog. You made a choice to be here and this moment is forever attached to this blog entry. Hopefully the information you are reading at this present time is insightful and beneficial to you on your journey through this life. You may choose to read this entry simply as you would a newspaper or magazine, perhaps thinking about something that happened yesterday, a few weeks ago or a few months ago.
You may be reading these words and thinking about your future, the things that you would like to have or perhaps something you fear. The other option is to become fully engaged in the present now, to become fully aware of who you are right now, not who you were or will be, but who you are PRESENTLY. Now is all you have, now is about choice, now is about making the best intuitive decision and finding ways to move into light and away from darkness. At this present moment choices are being made throughout the earth, dark choices and light choices.
The earth is in constant flux as the energy levels shift from light to dark. There are days due to say media portrayal and glorification of violence that the darkness almost becomes tangible, it hangs in the air like a gas sweeping over the nations. There are also times when you can feel the light overcoming darkness.
Several days ago the son of Osama Ben Landen spoke to the media urging his father to stop the violence, h stressed that violence was not working and that there needs to be new peaceful solutions created instead of the use bombs and guns. I could feel the positive energy flowing out from his words, it was powerful! Each of us has the potential in this very moment to bring about great change in the earths energy by the decisions we make, by the things we say and do.
Take your home for instance - did you tell your spouse you love her today? Did you hug or play with your child or did you turn them away? Did our do the small things in your house that contribute to the overall health and happiness of your home? Think about the impact that you can make by simply creating positive energy in your own household. Your husband or wife feels loved care for, they take those same loving feelings out into the world and pass them on to say four of their-workers, and those four co-workers feel this positive energy and pass it onto others in their sphere of influence and so on. Because you made the choice to love those closest to you, hundreds of people may be impacted in a single day because you chose to move toward the light in that present moment. Now, think about the opposite, a dark choice obviously has the opposite effect and the breakdown of positive energy goes out like ripples on a pond far and wide.
So in the present now think about the impact the next decision you make will have and how far reaching it may be. We are all responsible for what we do and the choices we make and if we want to enter into a glorious age of peace now is the time to begin, yesterday is gone, tomorrow awaits, now, go do something positive.