Coming To A Realization Of My Mission

Since I was young I have always had a strong intuition about people, places, objects, sometimes words will come concerning the person next to me, sometimes an image, sometimes a sense. For most of my life I did nothing with these impressions, I just played them off as simply biological and to be honest some of it may be biological, I do not believe the spiritual and the physical body can be separated while we are living, they seem to move as one. Some call it prophecy, some call it clairvoyance, I choose not to name this phenomenon, I do not want to be categorized as this or that, and they simply are.
As an adult these senses seem much clearer, more defined, I'm at a point in my life where I want to help people to fulfill their life’s mission, to be the person they KNOW they should be. I feel these gifts or whatever one may call them must be exercised, celebrated and honed and I a willing to start moving out and growing in this area.
Over the years I have used these gifts on an individual basis and the results have always been positive. I cannot and will not guarantee the accuracy of what I see or feel from person to person, that's foolish because we are imperfect and we see imperfectly, I simply offer what I see or hear, it's up to the individual to keep or reject what is given to them. Images or words given may also be for a future time not yet arrived, this I have experienced.
If you would like a reading, please send me an e-mail to if you choose to remain anonymous that's fine as well, just let me know a few details about yourself and what you are dealing with and I'll share what I receive. Sometimes nothing comes, please do no be disappointed if this happens, I do not want to fake things, if nothings there nothings there. I look forward to chatting with some of you.