The Power Of Manifesting: Start Small & Build Up

It's not your work to make anything happen. It's your work to dream it and let it happen. Law of Attraction will make it happen. In your joy, you create something, and then you maintain your vibration harmony with it, and the Universe must find a way to bring it about. That's the promise of Law of Attraction.
~ Abraham Hicks ~
I had an interesting experience a few weeks ago that I'd like to share and it has to do with the concept of manifesting a certain outcome. I was discussing with my conscience that I'd like to begin to practice in a deeper way manifesting my destiny by throwing positive energy toward a particular thing I'm envisioning. I thought to myself I'd start small - so I envisioned myself making a new friend. It had been awhile since I had actively gone out and developed a friendship so it sounded appealing to me. The following morning was a Saturday and typically Emmalia and I go out to the park for some daddy and daughter time on this day.
It was a beautiful clear crisp afternoon and the sun was shining brightly at our favorite park and we're running around, playing on the swings, playing chase and being our goofy selves. Just then a car pulled up to the parking lot and a man got out who appeared to be my age and his son who gleefully bounded over to my daughter, they begin to play and act goofy together as kids often will do. So this guy introduces himself and we go back and forth about our jobs, families, wives, kids, football, and pretty soon we are discussing mountain biking and other outdoor activities.
As we are talking I’m thinking to myself, "what a cool guy, I could see myself being friends with him". Just then he asks me for my number and wonders if I'd like to go mountain biking with him and some of his buddies, I say yes, call me, we shake hands, he gathers up his son and takes off.
On the way home in the car it suddenly hits me like a load of bricks, "is this what I manifest in my minds eye the day before"? I believe it was, this was a powerful confirmation of the power of creating our own destiny, of brining forth our visions and making them a reality, I saw it in my mind, locked onto the goal and so very effortlessly a new friendship emerges.
It's so powerful to see something we envision in our minds eye come into fruition, there are realms of untapped resources and potential right in front of our noses!! So I thought I'd try something a little bigger, this time I envisioned in my minds eye starting a new business, this was about a week ago. I've ran my own small business and I know quite a bit about Internet marketing and search engines so I created an ad on cragslist geared toward anyone needing search engine optimization or small business coaching, the catch, I'd do it for free! I felt compelled beyond a shadow of a doubt to do this.
Sure enough I received several calls and e-mails, but one business in particular grabbed my attention and I knew I made a powerful connection. They have an innovative product that is so fresh and exciting, the potential is staggering. Needless to say I'm now doing all the marketing for this company and if I'm successful I could be making more money than I've ever dreamed of having. This could indeed be the start of a career in small business coaching and internet marketing but I'm taking it a day at a time and working hard which is the key to all of this really.
This product is going to revolutionize the medical field and has already grabbed international attention, but, these folks no nothing about Internet marketing so whola..That’s where I come in! I feel again this is the product of creating my own destiny, manifesting and believing, the skies the limit. Whatever you see in your minds eye, believe it, grab on to it and don't let go no matter what, if you have passion, discipline and confidence simply expect it, go forth and part the red sea Moses!
Creating Reality
We are the authors of our own destiny, when we live in a positive realm we manifest into reality all that is good, hopeful, and prosperous and life giving to the people around us and like a strong tower rising high into the air we build up brick upon brick, stone upon stone until the whole mighty tower comes to completion. When we dwell in that which is dark, that which tears down, when we live in our past failures, when we claim we are the victims in a cruel plot we manifest all that is dark unhealthy, unloving, selfish and destructive because sorrow leads to anger and resentment, resentment leads to vengeance, violence, hostility, jealousy, and the complete breakdown of body, soul, mind and heart.
There is also false humility, when you know you need to do something but the vision seems to great and seems beyond your scope, so you convince yourself for whatever reason, perhaps social class, upbringing or some other reason that such wonderful thing is for other people, stronger people and not you, this is false humility.
You see your subconscious is attempting to communicate with you about your potential, it's trying to tell you that you are not living up to all that you could be, it's trying to show you that you have untapped resources that could bring you to a higher state in life, don't ignore these promptings, explore those gifts and talents, envision in your minds eye becoming that person and think deeply about what it would feel like to rise to that higher state. Each of us has the spark of the divine inside of us and well have the ability to tap into extremely powerful creative energy that when unlocked becomes like a gale force wind, BE NOT AFRAID!