In this life, the love you give becomes the only lasting treasure

In this life, the love you give becomes the only lasting treasure
And what you lose will be what you win
A well that echoes down too deep to measure
-David Wilcox-
The Love You Give
In the end it's all about the love we give away and the love we receive, our possessions can be wiped out over night, and if we have gave nothing to love we are left with nothing but a stormy dark sea. To love another selflessly is a lasting treasure of infinite greatness and one that continues to grow and expand through the years. Even if we suffer catastrophe, the love we have been given and the love we have shown can never be taken away from us, they will be a light to lead us home.
Many people have never truly known love, some have never shown it. Perhaps they have been given a form of love that is not really love at all but empty words and promises, this unfortunately is what many of us have experienced. To the unloved there is a hollowness, an emptiness that burns and gnaws at them from the inside. Their world is always in shambles even if it appears to be in order. When a soul has not experienced truly being loved, when their human worth has not been affirmed, there is a void and a need for control, a haunted desperation when they look out at the world around them. This void will almost always find itself filled by some form of violent/resentful behavior because violence is the quickest way to gain control, to get an audience, to get noticed.
Love As A Lifestyle
So ask yourself now, have I truly shown love to those who have come and gone throughout my lifetime, have a allowed myself to be loved? I'm not talking about a sentimental sappy love, I'm talking about a love that transcends our understanding and our world view, that overcomes our prejudices and judgements. I'm talking about a love that is deeper than mere emotion and loves selflessly and gives selflessly.
Our Survival
For the human race to survive the 21st century this deep love must become more than an occasional response to someones kindness, but a lifestyle. Each person we encounter must feel their worth, must be affirmed, must be counted worthy among the kingdoms of men. Each person we meet must see love in our eyes and acceptance even if words are not exchanged. So find some creative ways this week to show love to the people you encounter, affirm their worth, give them a smile, warm their soul with your kindness. In this life, the love you give becomes the only lasting treasure.
In the tears you gave to me
I found a river to an ocean
A concrete sky and a stone cold sea
That came to where the emptiness cracked open
And all my fears came crashing through
And met the fire of my sorrow
But I found my strength in forgiving you
I never even dreamed how far my heart could go
To give my life beyond each death
From this deeper well of trust
To know that when there's nothing left
You will always have what you gave to love
In this life, the love you give becomes the only lasting treasure
And what you lose will be what you win
A well that echoes down too deep to measure
A silver coin rings down that well
You could never spend too much, a diamond echoes deeper still
And you'll always have what you gave to love,
You will always have what you gave to love