Our Bodies Are A Temple For The Divine

Our bodies are a temple for the divine, we need to care for them as such. My time in the medical field was a real eye opener to the decline of physical health in this country and for a young man in his thirties this really scared me. To care for folks in their late 30's and early 40's coming in with heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms, diabetes, MRSA, obesity and a host of other ills woke me up to the fact that we are in real trouble in this country when it comes to our health. All the time our bodies are screaming at us to read the signs: shortness of breath, poor circulation, purple or bluefish fingernails, fatigue, depression, these are all symptomatic of internal problems and we need to listen. If we never change our oil or replace the oil in our cars, transmission problems are on the way.
Not to long ago I struggled with a number of symptoms on the list above and finally some of them got so bad that I finally woke up, my body was telling me, "Michael, you're heading for a huge breakdown, I cannot take you much further". So I changed my diet, I started eating raw foods, drinking fresh vegetable juice, eating fruits, veggie, nuts, lots of greens, fish and lots of fresh ginger/carrot juice which is my secret weapon. Over time symptoms disappeared one by one, my energy increased, my enthusiasm for life increased, my sex drive increased, I slept well and I lost 30 pounds of weight around my stomached.
This opened the door for a renewed spiritual life, my body was happy and now my spirit responded and was drawn naturally back to God like a moth to a flame. Now, exercise daily is critical, to redistribute our bodies energy evening out our chakra points, supplying our muscles with fresh oxygen, for burning calories and building toned lean muscle. Find what works for you but make sure you are exercising, eating right and taking time to rest, to be quiet with the divine. The world is full of stress and pain, turmoil is all around us, our homes and our bodies must become temples of peace, we owe it to each other in our day to day lives.