The Detox

By Michael Howard
It seems we are always searching for a miracle drug or healing herb, we're willing to try anything and pay any amount for the latest craze, yet could it be that the greatest healers are right under our noses? I believe they are and the answers to our ills are much less complex.

I reached a point last year where I just felt dreadful, I was always fatigued and tired, my joints hurt, my head hurt, my skin was burning and itchy and I was extremely anxious so naturally I was not sleeping. To say the least, I was not fun to be around, my poor wife and daughter! To make matters worse I was almost 30 pounds over weight and on my 5'8 frame that's a good amount of weight!

I received a call one day from my folks saying they had a juicer they never used and offered it to my wife and me, so I took it. I also received some books on raw veggies and various combinations that apparently treated different ailments. I went out and bought spinach, carrots, celery, oranges, apples and ginger root (which sound dreadful in juice). So zealously I started jamming fruits and veggies into my juicer, what came out were a greenish pulp, I shuddered!

So I closed my eyes and pounded it down, at first repulsed, but my revulsion was followed by a rush of energy flowing through me that felt so good, my mind was quickened, I felt really alive suddenly, I really did have pure living foods in me and I could feel the positive effects right away. I'm not suggesting that everyone will have the same experience; I simply believe that I was so depleted of nutrients my body was shouting for joy!

Over the next few days I detuned on raw juice, veggies and fruit, a disgusting cleansing process indeed, but powerful. Over the next week my skin began to clear up on my hands, I had more energy and I began to sleep through the night, I had been averaging 3-4 hours a night prior, suddenly I am sleeping through the night, wow!. I lost 5 pounds that week. I decided to rid my diet of white sugar, dairy, Tran’s fats and fatty meats. I also dropped my crab’s way down and started taking a whey protein supplement. My diet would consist of fruits and veggies (raw), fish, nut, whole grains and lean meats and various nutritional supplements.

After three weeks of eating like this my fingernails which have always had some indentations became smooth, my hair smoother and my skin tighter, and for a man in his mid thirties it was pretty exciting! I began to work out on a regular basis as well starting with push up, crunches, stretches and small 5lb weights. After several months I had a routine of 150 pushups a day (broken up of course), 50 crunches, and worked up to 30 lb dumbbells for my biceps and pictorials.

Since I have started this routine I have lost 25 pounds and gained one pound of pure muscle, I sleep well, I'm happier and easier to be around, and I have increased stamina and mental capacity. Again though, I work hard at this, I feel like I'm always fighting the negative energy our society shoves on us to bring us down, but I have to tell my self daily to get up, to work it out and take care of myself. In my next blog I'll discuss that power of ginger root and carrots. Peace!