By Michael Howard

Our bodies are a temple for the divine, we need to care for them as such. My time in the medical field was a real eye opener to the decline of physical health in this country and for a young man in his thirties this really scared me. To care for folks in their late 30's and early 40's coming in with heart attacks, strokes, aneurisms, diabetes, MRSA, obesity and a host of other ills woke me up to the fact that we are in real trouble in this country when it comes to our health. All the time our bodies are screaming at us to read the signs: shortness of breath, poor circulation, purple or bluefish fingernails, fatigue, depression, these are all symptomatic of internal problems and we need to listen. If we never change our oil or replace the oil in our cars, transmission problems are on the way.
Not to long ago I struggled with a number of symptoms on the list above and finally some of them got so bad that I finally woke up, my body was telling me, "Michael, you're heading for a huge breakdown, I cannot take you much further". So I changed my diet, I started eating raw foods, drinking fresh vegetable juice, eating fruits, veggie, nuts, lots of greens, fish and lots of fresh ginger/carrot juice which is my secret weapon. Over time symptoms disappeared one by one, my energy increased, my enthusiasm for life increased, my sex drive increased, I slept well and I lost 30 pounds of weight around my stomached.
This opened the door for a renewed spiritual life, my body was happy and now my spirit responded and was drawn naturally back to God like a moth to a flame. Now, exercise daily is critical, to redistribute our bodies energy evening out our chakra points, supplying our muscles with fresh oxygen, for burning calories and building toned lean muscle. Find what works for you but make sure you are exercising, eating right and taking time to rest, to be quiet with the divine. The world is full of stress and pain, turmoil is all around us, our homes and our bodies must become temples of peace, we owe it to each other in our day to day lives.
By Michael Howard
I go through phases in my life where I become very "monk-like", contemplative and inward. As far as prayer is concerned I tend to be introspective, I enjoy finding the divine in the silence, waiting for a word, an image to light my path. Resting in the stillness and allowing God to speak and light my path brings me much joy, the problem is I do not want to leave that place once I enter it. This world can be so abrasive that one could sit in the gentleness of the "Ruach" for hours on end allowing spiritual winds to gently blow. It's important that we still our body and soul, not only do we need physical rest but spiritual rest, like pure water, spiritual water.
Which brings me to my next point and that is finding a quiet place, a place free of distraction, a place that we connect with. I need this place of solitude daily, a place that I meet with God, a place where I can free my mind and release my thoughts into the ether. I would suggest a space without clutter and a space that holds no ill memories, a space arranged well where the energy is positive, where one's creative self can be ignited and flourish. Keep spiritual items there as well, items that help you focus on and connect with God. There was a reason the ancients built alters to God and that was to remember. This spiritual place will cause you to remember who you are and what is really important in this world.
By Michael Howard
Days end time for rest, slumbering moods caress my mind. Soul and body tired from the day, cool water greets my lips. Dream of forests deep and running, singing doves to guide the way, playful dance in Camelot, look up and see the Milky Way.
By Michael Howard

I wanted to talk a bit about discovering who we are, what our purpose in life is and finding out what we are passionate about. When we introspect and ask ourselves who we are and what our purpose is, I think many of us would not have a clear answer. We are so busy simply trying to survive the day to day, pay our bills, buy our food, commute to work, raise our kids that life becomes like a blur.
I would guess that in each of us resides a space reserved for our real dreams and ambitions, our real gifts and talents, our real calling in life, but fear keeps us bound. Fear keeps us from pursuing our life’s mission, mainly fear of failure. We are also bound by poor choices, the things we eat, lack of exercise and sleep, stress, anger, unforgiveness.
What our world needs now more than anything is passionate healthy people. We need now more than ever great lights not afraid to shine out in a world so darkened with evil ideologies, fear based governments, brutal regimes, child trafficking, repressive treatment of woman and so on. The world needs people with strong hearts of love not afraid to shine, intelligent men and woman strong physically, spiritually and emotionally. We are at a critical time, we all have a part to play, and we all have a purpose, what's yours?
So here are some ideas: start small and start in your sphere of influence, small random acts of love and kindness are very powerful carried far and wide like waves rolling through the ocean. Perhaps you need to forgive someone? Forgiveness is a powerful weapon to fight hatred; forgiveness mends wounds and strengthens bonds. Forgiveness can bring much healing to our physical bodies as well as our spiritual bodies, make amends and let old wounds heal.
I am also a firm believer in visualization, seeing clearly who you are where you are going. If you live in poverty and your goal is to become wealthy, live as though you are wealthy, become that person and never take your eye off of the goal not even for a second. Change your posture, if you are stooped over much of the time straighten yourself up, look people in the eye, have bold confidence. A poor mental concept of who we are will lead us down the road of failure and sorrow. People resend to confidence, confidence is respected, be confident in who you are and where you are going.
Take care of your body; it is a temple that carries the divine light of God. What you invest in your body that will be your return. If you want to feel good, invest in fine foods, living foods and your body will thank you. Exercise, learn to distribute the energy in your body evenly, pull yourself out of the mire and begin to live like a person who wants to make change in this world.
By Michael Howard
Today I've been considering what it means to be a "compassionate" person in a way that is not condescending to those who may be suffering or enduring some type of hardship. I read recently that compassion and pity are two completely different things: compassion can be seen as putting ones self on the same level as the person enduring hardship with complete humility, not looking down on them but seeing ones self as their "equal" as one human being to another despite social class differences or race. Seeing another human being made in the image of God, loving them for who they are, this is compassion.
Pity on the other hand tends to be more of a degrading mindset, the one who pities often times looks down on that person from a higher positing, they see the other person as wretched, weak and miserable, they may offer them well meaning words but have no intention of lowering themselves or trying to see things from another’s point of view. The one who pities lacks humility, and simply feels sorry that the one being pitied has received such a wretched state in this life.
By Michael Howard
Do you have a gift of healing? Are you a visionary? Do you have a call? Send me am e-mail, I'd love to post some of your stories. Happy Holidays!
By Michael Howard
I changed the title of this to "The Spiritual Ascent" for I felt it conveys in a much more whole expression of where I would like to go with this blog. I started out discussing my journey to health with raw foods and exercise and veered in the direction of the spiritual for the last two entries, for we are both spiritual and physical creatures so I will switch back and forth between the spiritual and physical.
I plan to get much more in depth with raw foods in the next few weeks, especially concerning ginger root which I consider to be a "miraculous root" if there ever was one. I also want to dig deeply into spiritual matters concerning ourselves, our mission and our contribution to 21st century society drawing upon authors like Matthew Fox, Thomas Merton and others. I wish you much peace today my friends and happy holidays!
By Michael Howard
Walking on the precipice, hanging in the balance, voices warning us to turn from all that we've become. Vast amounts of energy spent on useless fodder as the innocents lay suffering beneath the deep decay. Walk the nighttime valley and descend the steps of time, stand between the noise and sound where silence is your light. Children of the stars this is your time to shine, the trials that you've endured bring this moment now to life. Rise up rise up, you're made of gold and fire, still the hand of the destroyer, still the hand of the divider.
By Michael Howard
Are you feeling lonely tonight? Depressed? Do you feel consumed with sorrow? Have you experienced loss? Perhaps you are feeling isolated within yourself as if you are trapped behind a prison of flesh screaming inwardly for someone to hear you, to acknowledge you, your dying to be loved. If you are reading this tonight and you are experiencing any of these things please...stop and listen to my words, you are loved, I love you for who you are, you have great potential, realize your worth and value in this human race and see your gifts. As hard as it is you must see the value in these sufferings, embrace them and learn from them, the pain you are feeling will be weapons of love, you will be a guide for the broken and the downtrodden, to give them compassion love and healing...don't give up, the night is breaking and the dawn is approaching, you are loved.
By Michael Howard
I'll keep this short tonight, I have been working a lot on abdominal crunches lately and one type of crunch in particular really seems to work well for me. While on your back throw your legs over a chair or up on the bed, (I prefer the bed). Next, place your hands under your chin and pull yourself up toward your knees to the point where you feel your abs tightening. With our hands still under our chin and elbows extended a bit, hold that position for 20 seconds, and then rest for 20. I do 15 of these a night. If you want to feel a bit more pain, use 2 pound toning weights in each hand and as your lean forward bring your arms back over your head and hold it for 20, that one burns!
By Michael Howard
It seems we are always searching for a miracle drug or healing herb, we're willing to try anything and pay any amount for the latest craze, yet could it be that the greatest healers are right under our noses? I believe they are and the answers to our ills are much less complex.
I reached a point last year where I just felt dreadful, I was always fatigued and tired, my joints hurt, my head hurt, my skin was burning and itchy and I was extremely anxious so naturally I was not sleeping. To say the least, I was not fun to be around, my poor wife and daughter! To make matters worse I was almost 30 pounds over weight and on my 5'8 frame that's a good amount of weight!
I received a call one day from my folks saying they had a juicer they never used and offered it to my wife and me, so I took it. I also received some books on raw veggies and various combinations that apparently treated different ailments. I went out and bought spinach, carrots, celery, oranges, apples and ginger root (which sound dreadful in juice). So zealously I started jamming fruits and veggies into my juicer, what came out were a greenish pulp, I shuddered!
So I closed my eyes and pounded it down, at first repulsed, but my revulsion was followed by a rush of energy flowing through me that felt so good, my mind was quickened, I felt really alive suddenly, I really did have pure living foods in me and I could feel the positive effects right away. I'm not suggesting that everyone will have the same experience; I simply believe that I was so depleted of nutrients my body was shouting for joy!
Over the next few days I detuned on raw juice, veggies and fruit, a disgusting cleansing process indeed, but powerful. Over the next week my skin began to clear up on my hands, I had more energy and I began to sleep through the night, I had been averaging 3-4 hours a night prior, suddenly I am sleeping through the night, wow!. I lost 5 pounds that week. I decided to rid my diet of white sugar, dairy, Tran’s fats and fatty meats. I also dropped my crab’s way down and started taking a whey protein supplement. My diet would consist of fruits and veggies (raw), fish, nut, whole grains and lean meats and various nutritional supplements.
After three weeks of eating like this my fingernails which have always had some indentations became smooth, my hair smoother and my skin tighter, and for a man in his mid thirties it was pretty exciting! I began to work out on a regular basis as well starting with push up, crunches, stretches and small 5lb weights. After several months I had a routine of 150 pushups a day (broken up of course), 50 crunches, and worked up to 30 lb dumbbells for my biceps and pictorials.
Since I have started this routine I have lost 25 pounds and gained one pound of pure muscle, I sleep well, I'm happier and easier to be around, and I have increased stamina and mental capacity. Again though, I work hard at this, I feel like I'm always fighting the negative energy our society shoves on us to bring us down, but I have to tell my self daily to get up, to work it out and take care of myself. In my next blog I'll discuss that power of ginger root and carrots. Peace!
By Michael Howard
Thanks for checking out my blog, I really hope that these insights I've discovered in my own life can bring wellness and healing both mental and physical to some of you reading this. I am not a natural blogger, it does not come easy to me but I really do feel passionate about health issues, mental, spiritual and physical so I'm going to give this a go.
I have a background in the medical field and it became quite a common event to care for folks in their late 30's early 40's suffering from all types of physical and mental ailments. We have a become such a busy society that we've forgotten what it means to stop and take care of ourselves and we are seeing the repercussions of this lifestyle all around us, people in their 30' and 40's dying of heart attacks and strokes, it should not be like this.
I hope to address some of these issues in detail with this blog and share some of the insights I've discovered in eating raw foods, exercising and taking time to recover from the battle of day to day life which is not getting any slower but accelerating to match the speed of 21st century technology[. I have battled fatigue, depression, and skin problems for a good portion of my life and can now honestly say I'm finding freedom from these ailments and tons of energy both mental and physical. I'm not suggesting a magic pill here, to live healthy in our society means work and discipline, saying no to the crap that is killing us inside, junk food, cigarettes, lack of sleep, and taking control of our lives for our own sake and the sake of our family and friends.