Longing To Return..

When my heart turns cold and I chased the old
Standard lie, forgive me.
When my conscious calls me to leave it behind,
Well did I, forgive me.
As of lately I've had a difficult time writing, my mind has been blocked and I've been gazing at a blank canvas waiting for the energy and creativity to return. Yet I still find my self in this spot of uncertainty. I have always said from the beginning of this blog that I would not only share my strengths, but my weaknesses as well. I have no super powers, I'm simply and ordinary person battling the ebb-n-flow of this crazy life we all live and I'm just as influenced as the next guy by my environment and my relationships.
Some Deep introspection has revealed pockets of anger and resentment that has worked it's way into my interior person and set up camp. Lately, I have been easily offended, had trust broken on one or two recent occasions (which is the hardest for me) and lost sleep over the changing economy and the need to protect myself and my family, which tends to dredge up the old "fight or flight" mentality obscuring evolutions greatest gifts such as mercy, compassion, patience, caring, long suffering, I'm sure you get my point.
The lyrics above and below so eloquently speak what I cannot right now, in them you will see and hear what I cannot express in my own words presently. But those of you who are closest to me know that I am not one to back down or stop, I am not a quitter, I will find my healing and wholeness even if it takes me through the fire and refines me like pure gold. I will find healing and continue my evolution toward wisdom and the greater gifts of light. Peace my friends, I love you all.
Find me in these fields alone,
Crusted with the salt of my ways,
Rinse me with the motion of sweet water,
The silky rush of Your cleansing stream.
I turn my face towards the sun
Too feel the heat and cool wind blow.
Reminding me as I touch your shoulder
Awakening me from some selfish dream.
I face the fog in the Autumn,
The midnight moon weaving her chain.
You trace me deep in this valley
Repeating a familiar refrain, forgive me.
When my heart turns cold and I chased the old
Standard lie, forgive me.
When my conscious calls me to leave it behind,
Well did I, forgive me.
Take me in I'll sit at Your feet,
Live to tell all You have done,
Could I find a rose in mid-December,
A sign of peace for those passing by.
I turn my eyes toward the Son,
And a vision of a world yet to be,
When hope will be awarded living substance
And Heaven kisses Earth in reply.
I face the fog in the Autumn,
The midnight moon weaving her chain.
You trace me deep in this valley
Repeating a familiar refrain, forgive me.
When my heart turns cold and I chased the old
Standard lie, forgive me.
When my conscious calls me to leave it behind,
Well did I, forgive me.
-Phil Keaggy