By Michael Howard
Here is a beautiful story concerning the Franciscans and forgiveness, please read this and take it to heart. Peace friends and enjoy the beauty of the day!
Across from the friary at Montecasale is a hill, which had been used in the years before Francis’s time as the site of a fortress. Frederick I, called Barbarossa, had torn the fortress down about the time Francis was born, and the hill site was abandoned. It was the perfect place to watch the road, however, and after the friars had settled in the hermitage of Montecasale, a trio of thieves had decided to live on that hill and rob those passing by on that road. They were violent and much feared, but even thievery is subject to ups and downs, and even for thieves things can get desperate, so that one time they found themselves hungry, and decided to go over to the hermitage and ask the friars for alms. Good Brother Angelo received them graciously until he learned who they were; then he sent them off angrily. The thought, that thieves should steal even the alms of God’s poor!
Francis, however, did not approve. He sent Angelo, who I am sure was not all that keen, to seek out the thieves at their home and give them something to eat. And also to ask them to think about their lives. This they did, and eventually came over to the friary and became friars. The hill where they lived is still marked with three crosses.
Before they came over to the friary, however, they spent a hard night on that hill. The three had decided to give up their life of crime, but a question nagged at them: would God forgive them for all the evil that had done? Could they dare to hope for God’s mercy? Since they could not answer this question, they decided to go to the friary and ask Francis. The great miracle, I think, is that Francis was able to help them trust in God’s power and desire to forgive them.
By Michael Howard

I want to talk a little about what it means to listen,
to really with your whole heart, mind and soul listen. Listening with your whole being without feeling the need to interject, correct, advise, requires and inner peace, a quiet gentle confidence in one's self that is humble and is free of ego. I am working on this and still have much to learn.
I have felt the need to listen more to what others are saying and in doing so I find my spirit grows stronger and brighter. I am filled more when I talk less and let others share their joys, hurts, pains and losses. I can really tune in and silently offer healing and hope in an intuitive sense.
Listening is
love and respect. Often times people do not want you to try and fix their troubles,
they just want to be heard, and by being heard a person can find a glimmer of hope in a world
bombarded by media, movies, books magazines pulling us in one direction or another. Being heard affirms ones worth, ones potential, that they matter enough to another human being to simply be heard.
Being heard is empowering, listening is love and respect, listening is a gift, try it, I think you will agree with me. Peace!
By Michael Howard
From My Window - Michael Howard
From this window of mine can see the world,
in the mist of the morning light.
When evening comes, the setting sun slips behind the trees,
the stars they shine and fill the nighttime sky with song.
In Silent communion, my weary soul finds shelter from the storm.
When I'm tired and worn and all my strength is gone, it's here I
search my soul, as the gentle breeze sings the sweetest lullaby.
Gazing from my window to the heavens above,
like a southbound train I'll fly when the seasons change.
By Michael Howard

I'm writing out of pure will which is not easy, but, at least I'm writing and I'm at peace with that. The topic that resides in the for front of my mind is weakness. These past few days I feel open and vulnerable, like my nerves are live wires bristling with electrical charge.
I feel open and exposed finding myself bouncing between drawing completely inward and cloistering my self off, (protection) and talking way too much about anything and everything to keep myself open to the world. The bottom line is, I'm dealing with
change and uncertainty: a possible job change, a possible move and issues within my household that are at times more than I can handle
or want to handle.I love my family dearly, but there are times when I have no more strength or adequate explanations for my distance, there is a part of me deep inside that wants protection, even from those closest to me. It's strange to talk like this being that I'm usually the strong one for everybody else, now I feel spent, like I need a season soaking up spiritual sunlight in some far away Atlantis. Have a beautiful weekend friends and stay positive.
I was pretending to be floating strong
But I was sinking
In to still water
Eyes closed
All of the rest will flow
Then out of darkness I found I could still feel
Something good
Out of the woods
Eyes closed
All of the rest will flow
One simple thing that I never could see
But now I know
All of the rest will flow
Stay with me my angel I found you
Now I don't feel low
All of the rest will flow
Eyes closed
All of the rest will flow -Steven Wilson
By Michael Howard
When my heart turns cold and I chased the old
Standard lie, forgive me.
When my conscious calls me to leave it behind,
Well did I, forgive me.As of lately I've had a difficult time writing, my mind has been blocked and I've been gazing at a blank canvas waiting for the energy and creativity to return. Yet I still find my self in this spot of uncertainty. I have always said from the beginning of this blog that I would not only share my strengths, but my weaknesses as well. I have no super powers, I'm simply and
ordinary person battling the ebb-n-flow of this crazy life we all live and I'm just as influenced as the next guy by my environment and my relationships.
Some Deep introspection has revealed pockets of anger and resentment that has worked it's way into my interior person and set up camp. Lately, I have been easily offended, had trust broken on one or two recent occasions (which is the hardest for me) and lost sleep over the changing economy and the need to protect myself and my family, which tends to dredge up the old "fight or flight" mentality obscuring evolutions greatest gifts such as
mercy, compassion, patience, caring, long suffering, I'm sure you get my point.
The lyrics above and below so eloquently speak what I cannot right now,
in them you will see and hear what I cannot express in my own words presently. But those of you who are closest to me know that I am not one to back down or stop, I am not a quitter, I will find my healing and wholeness even if it takes me through the fire and refines me like pure gold. I will find healing and continue my evolution toward wisdom and the greater gifts of light. Peace my friends, I love you all.
Find me in these fields alone,
Crusted with the salt of my ways,
Rinse me with the motion of sweet water,
The silky rush of Your cleansing stream.
I turn my face towards the sun
Too feel the heat and cool wind blow.
Reminding me as I touch your shoulder
Awakening me from some selfish dream.
I face the fog in the Autumn,
The midnight moon weaving her chain.
You trace me deep in this valley
Repeating a familiar refrain, forgive me.
When my heart turns cold and I chased the old
Standard lie, forgive me.
When my conscious calls me to leave it behind,
Well did I, forgive me.
Take me in I'll sit at Your feet,
Live to tell all You have done,
Could I find a rose in mid-December,
A sign of peace for those passing by.
I turn my eyes toward the Son,
And a vision of a world yet to be,
When hope will be awarded living substance
And Heaven kisses Earth in reply.
I face the fog in the Autumn,
The midnight moon weaving her chain.
You trace me deep in this valley
Repeating a familiar refrain, forgive me.
When my heart turns cold and I chased the old
Standard lie, forgive me.
When my conscious calls me to leave it behind,
Well did I, forgive me.
-Phil Keaggy
By Michael Howard
A crack of golden light bewteen the blades of green and brown,
stillness descends, hue shifts to orange, deeper still,
To live in this place perpetually and not lose a single moment
hatred would be no more,
The blades shift between silence, and gentle sound, an evening breeze
moves around body and soul...