What Do You Allow To Define "You"?

I have a question for you: when you think of yourself and all of the collective components that you believe define your life up to this point, what are they? Take a few minutes and compile a list of all the things that you feel define your life and be honest. If you are a cancer survivor or live with a certain disease, list it. If you have survived some type of trauma or abuse list it. If you are a smoker, put it on the list. Anything that is a regular part of your collective experience up to this point should be written down.
When you feel that your list is a fairly accurate description of who you are, meditate on each item listed. Can you trace the orgin of each of these items on your list? What events led you down the various paths where these things integrated themselves into your being. How do you feel when you think of these things?
Now, again meditating on the list, do these things empower your being or do they suck power from you? From experience, being in a place where I let pain define a major part of my existence, I was unaware of how much energy I put into this Pain Body and how energy much I took from others to keep me going. Eckart Tolle define this as our "Pain Bodies". Are you free in your body and mind or are you allowing your pain body to dominate you and others around you?
There is a relatively new Field of cellular science headed up by folks like Bruce Lipton and Rupert Sheldake that suggest that are cells are not pre-determined genetically as previously thought, but our cells react to outside influence coming from our environment. In a nutshell, your world view and the things you believe about yourself are literally activating your cells toward certain types of behavior. They act as a type of tuning fork moving us around to match our thoughts and beliefs.
For instance, this may explain why a woman who has suffered abuse all of her life on a subconscious level keeps finding herself in the same situations over and over even though she swears not to make the same mistakes. On a subconscious level she does not believe she can change or be free.
Perhaps disease and illness are not determined by our genes as previously thought, but may be are influenced to believe certain things are our parents put in our brains at an early age. For example, "well, your aunt Edna died of this or that, so did her parents, I have a high risk of it and so do you." I believe for a child, this fear puts them into an adrenal mode of being and may eventually move them in the direction of a certain disease or mental illness. I do not know this one hundred percent and I do not believe it's true in every instance, but I do believe that our thoughts increase the likelihood of inheriting certain diseases and illnesses.
In the next blog post I want to revisit the things on our list and begin to change the way in which we interrupt ourselves and our existence. I believe that if we can change our perception and reprogram toxic ideas about who we are whole Pandora's Box of goodness and blessing will be opened up for us.
Related Articles: From Andrea Hess "Imaginary Obstacles"